SPA launches 2019 Awards

Statement: University Times
This page will update as the awards are announced. Please check back for more results.
Best Photographer
This category aims to recognise the best student photographer at a student paper. Judges are looking for photos which reflect campus life, are well shot, and tell a story.
Anna Gibbs, Palatinate
Domas Radzevicius, Magdalen Magazine
Emily Heath, InQuire
Joey McCallion, Trinity News
Juliet Cookson, Forge Press
Luisa De la Concha Montes, Quench Magazine
Matthew Nixon, Concrete
Meg Firth, The Gryphon
Roo Pitt, Concrete
Stefano Dunne, The Boar
Best Human Rights Story
Supported by RightsInfo, this category aims to reward the best human rights story produced by a student journalist in the UK, looking at relevance to the audience, writing style and originality.
Annissa Warsame, The Falmouth Anchor
Dylan O’Neill, The University Observer
Becca Bashford, The Orbital
Sasha Baker, The Cheesegrater
Rachel Hagan, Artefact Magazine
Chloe Howcroft, Concrete
Nikki Peach & Kate Hutchison, Epigram
Matthew Nicholls, The Badger
Georgina Hayes, Glasgow Guardian
Eve Smallman, Platform
Jasmine Burke, Epigram, Bristol
Best Human Rights Journalist
Supported by RightsInfo, this category aims to reward the best human rights journalist, looking across a portfolio of stories.
Claisse Opeulencia, Unified
Joel Renouf, The Badger
Julia Atherley, Palatinate
Kate Hutchison, Epigram
Molly Greaves, The Courier
Naomi Clarke, Palatinate
Rafe Uddin, GUM, Glasgow
Best Science or Tech Story
Sponsored by the Association of British Science Writers, this award aims to recognise the best science and tech writing at universities.
Patrick Hughes, Glasgow Guardian David Friday, Glasgow Guardian
Emma Leach, InQuire
Sabrina Edwards, The Badger
Jemima Childs, East London Lines
Sasha Santhakamur, The Boar
Charlie Hetherington, Palatinate
Rosie Dutt, Felix
Scarlett Parr-Reid, Exeposé
Best Lifestyle Piece
Hannah Patterson, Glasgow Guardian
Katie Jenkins, Exeposé
Finley Dickings, Qmunicate Magazine
Jake Marshall, The Board
Lara Zell, The Circular
Megan Bull, Impact Magazine
Charlie Avery, Redbrick
Best Entertainment Piece
Andrew Young, Nouse
Anna Gibbs, Palatinate
Annabelle Steele, The Saint
Anne Stoop, Brig
Jacob Nicol, The Glasgow Sloth
Joseph Silke, Nouse
Melissa Watt, The Falmouth Anchor
Best Comment Piece
Al Thomas, Glasgow Guardian
Beth Woodhead, Glasgow Guardian
Daniel Perlman, The Boar
Emily Schone, Pi Media
Euan Findlay, Glasgow Guardian
Imogen Usherwood, Palatinate
Joseph Silke, Nouse
Kezia Niman, Pi Media
Matthew Nixon, Concrete
Natalia Carter, Redbrick
Steph Campbell, The Boar
Best Interview
Andrew Young, Nouse
Catrin Stewart, The Mancunion
Ed Southgate, Epigram
George Cook, Gair Rhydd
Jay Staker, The Oxford Student
Katrina Bennett, Razz Magazine
Liv Clarke, The Mancunion
Neha Shaji, Exeposé
Sam Huckstep, The Saint
Siam Hatzaw, Glasgow Guardian
Best Feature
Adam Sarawati Rawlings, SCAN
Charmaine Jacobs, The Badger
Ellie Fielding, InQuire
Harry Williamson, Brig
Jess Barrett, Concrete
Luke Payne, Palatinate
Tallulah Belassie-Page, The Badger
Thomas Dent, Redbrick
Best News Story
Supported by the journalism department at City University, this category aims to reward the strongest news story.
Claisse Opulencia, Unified
Mulligan, Ruben & Tarrant, The Boar
Georgia Gee, Pi Media
Hayes, Clarke, Morrison & Bowey, Glasgow Guardian
Edwards & Warsame, The Falmouth Anchor
Kyle Hoekstra, The Founder
Atherley, Taylor & Leggatt, Palatinate
Shannon McDonagh, Concrete
Oscar Bentley, Nouse
Olivia Kenny, SCAN
Best Sports Coverage
The Courier, Newcastle University
The Boar, University of Warwick
Unified, Canterbury Christchurch
Palatinate, Durham University
Nouse, University of York
Gair Rhydd, Cardiff University
Impact Magazine, University of Nottingham
Exeposé, University of Exeter
Best Science Publication or Section
This award is supported by the Association of British Science Writers. It aims to reward the section with the best science coverage.
The Badger, University of Sussex
The Boar, University of Warwick
Trinity News, Trinity College, Dublin
Palatinate, Durham University
Glasgow Guardian, University of Glasgow
Epigram, University of Bristol
Exeposé, University of Exeter
Best Overall Digital Media
This award is supported by Sky News and recognises the publication with the best digital outputs.
The Mancunion, University of Manchester
The Boar, University of Warwick
Magdalen Magazine, University of Dundee
Impact Magazine, University of Nottingham
I, Science, Imperial College London
Gair Rhydd, Cardiff University
Farid The Zine, University of Gloucestershire
Epigram, University of Bristol
Best Magazine Design
BUMF, Arts University Bournemouth
Farid the Zine, University of Gloucestershire
Loudly Magazine, Kingston University
Magdalen Magazine, University of Dundee
Quench Magazine, Cardiff University
Razz Magazine, University of Exeter
Strand Magazine, Kings College London
The Edge, University of Southampton
WoW Magazine, Loughborough University
Best Newspaper Design
Concrete, University of East Anglia
Epigram, University of Bristol
Exeposé, University of Exeter
Forge Press, University of Sheffield
Nouse, University of York
The Beaver, London School of Economics
The Boar, University of Warwick
The Mancunion, University of Manchester
Best Website
Concrete, University of East Anglia
Epigram, University of Bristol
Gair Rhydd, Cardiff University
InQuire, University of Kent
Nouse, University of York
Strand Magazine, Kings College London
The Boar, University of Warwick
The Saint, University of St Andrews
Best Newcomer Publication
Farad the Zine, University of Gloucestershire
Shift, London College of Fashion
The Glasgow Sloth
WoW, Loughborough University
Best Specialist
I, Science, Imperial College, London
The Glasgow Sloth
The Gist
The Lemon Press, University of York
La Civetta, University of Bristol
The Queer Review, University of East Anglia
Sound Magazine, Marjon
Incite Magazine, University of Surrey
The Edge, University of Southampton
Best Reporter
This award recognises the best reporter based on a portfolio of stories. It’s kindly supported by News Associates.
Ivan Edwards, The Falmouth Anchor
Joshua Sandiford, The Mancunion
Julia Atherley, Palatinate
Katie Tarrant, The Boar
Liam Taft, Redbrick
Tara Gandhi, Glasgow Guardian
Tom Schwartz, Unified
Tom Williams, The Saint
Billy Dowling-Reid Award for Outstanding Commitment
Annie Smith, The Saint
Annissa Warsame, The Falmouth Anchor
Emily Taylor, Nouse
Ethan Davies, The Mancunion
Georgina Hayes & Laurie Clarke, The Glasgow Guardian
Molly Hope, InQuire
Ollie Collins, The Linc
Samuel Turner, Strand Magazine
Best Publication
The Glasgow Guardian, University of Glasgow
Unified, Canterbury Christ Church
Magdalen Magazine, University of Dundee
InQuire, University of Kent
The Oxford Student, University of Oxford
Forge Press, University of Sheffield
The Mancunion, University of Manchester
The Cheese Grater, UCL