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The Student Publication Association and The Cambridge Student both publicly condemn the action taken by CUSU in ceasing to print The Cambridge Student.
This student publication, in our view, has a clear and committed audience which is proven by the papers multi-national award nominations.
As an Association we understand the constraints that Unions sometimes face over media funding and always seek to help in these incidences. However, with the newspaper seemingly making a profit, find this a hard justification for cutting The Cambridge Student.
Dan Seamarks, SPA Chair, said: “We are tonight condemning CUSU for the actions they have taken over The Cambridge Student.
“Student media is vital for democracy and holding Unions to account, a job TCS does only too well.
“In making this decision the Students’ Union is not only ending the heritage associated to print but also closing something which further educates students.
“We are in contact with the those who hoped to save TCS in print and will continue to work with them to establish a way forward.
“Let me be clear. This decision is appalling. The Student Publication Association tonight stands with the Save TCS campaign. We are sorry that their handwork, dedication and passion for student media has been ignored.”
Elsa Maishman, Chair of the Board of Directors of TCS, said: “CUSU’s decision to slash TCS’s budget is devastating. This has been a harrowing process for all of us. We’ll be considering all other options once our exams are finished and working with the SPA to try to ensure that CUSU’s cruel and overhasty decision doesn’t spell the end of TCS.”
SPA understands that TCS will remain an online news outlet but does not respect the way that CUSU went about the cuts to print funding.
If TCS decide, as they have speculated, to become independent, the SPA is dedicated its support and will offer any guidance we can.
The Student Publication Association is the UK’s biggest student media organisation with over 130 student publications affiliated.
Press enquiries should be sent to: press@spajournalism.com