The SPA needs you! Apply to host #SPANC18

Splash Sunday – 08/10
The brand new way the Student Publication Association recognises excellence in student journalism is here, along with the return of our fantastic regional conferences!
This year, for the first time, the SPA’s Regional Conferences will take place alongside one of the most exciting developments for student journalists who are part of the SPA in years. That’s right, the SPA is delighted to announce the launch of our SPA Regional Awards!
The SPA Regional Awards are designed to highlight and recognise the best of each of the region’s student journalism, with an opportunity for Regional Officers to highlight what they believe is done especially well in their region, or something that does not have the opportunity to be recognised at SPANC each year.
We have always understood that student journalism is as diverse as it is strong, with funding models varying as much as staff on an editorial team, so we wanted to recognise those who work the hardest throughout the year, but perhaps do not get that recognition on a national level.
Each award ceremony will be at each region’s Regional Conference (or SPARC), and submissions and tickets sales are now open!
Click here to buy your tickets
*Please note, tickets for the SPA Midlands regional conference can be bought on this link*
Below are the details of each SPARC’s date and venue as well as the details on how to apply for the regional awards!
Regional Conferences
SPARCS are a great opportunity to not only revel in the delight of winning a Regional Award (especially as you’ll be the first people to ever do so!), but they are also a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with your fellow student journalists from across your region! Details of each SPARC including its date and venue are below. Keep an eye out on Facebook and on your email for further details!
- Wales: The Lodge, Cardiff University Students Union, 11/11/2017
- Scotland: Teviot Row House, Edinburgh University’s Student Union, 11/11/2017
- Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland: Due to unexpected circumstances this conference will no longer be taking place
- London, Sponsored by City University London: Senate House, University of London, 18/11/2017
- Midlands: Portland Building, University of Nottingham, 18/11/2017
- South, Sponsored by City University London: Streatham Campus, University of Exeter, 25/11/2017
- North: TBC
Regional Awards
To apply, you or your student publication must be a current member of the SPA, and the work must have been published between September 1, 2016 and October 9, 2017.
To submit, please email awards@spajournalism.com with the CATEGORY and REGION that you are submitting for in the email subject as well as your NAME and PUBLICATION by MIDNIGHT, November 1. If you are not sure of your region, please email development@spajournalism.com, and Conor will get back to you as soon as he can!
Best Journalist: It rewards consistently exceptional reporting or writing from an individual. It takes into account the range of stories, impact on the intending audience and the quality of journalism. This can be in any discipline, with news and sport as welcome as features, entertainment, and travel.
Submission details: Include a portfolio of three pieces and a supporting statement of 300 words
Best Publication: It aims to represent the best overall student publication in the region, and takes into account relevance to their student community, quality of content produced and their achievements across the other award categories.
Submission details: Include two A4 document of supporting evidence in any format
Best Impact: It takes into account the reach and impact of any story, with particular emphasis on how that story or stories changed policy within the University, shifted debate, or made an impact on a National or International stage.
Submission details: Include two A4 document of supporting evidence in any format
Best Development: This award is to recognise the most ambitious and daring of student publications. It takes into account the past two years, and takes into account the change in quality, in writing, or a particularly ambitious project such as a new website or financial sustainability. It is designed to recognise those that work the hardest, but often do not get the recognition of other, more established publications.
Submission details: Include two A4 document of supporting evidence in any format
Region Specific Awards
Wales: Best Welsh Language Journalism: This will recognise outstanding journalism of any genre that has been written in the Welsh language. Credit will be given to pieces which focus on student or university issues, or issues that have cultural significance surrounding the Welsh language within the student sphere.
Submission Details: Two pieces in any genre, plus a supporting statement of up to 300 words
Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland: Gradam Iriseoireacht trí Gaeilge (Award for journalism through Irish): This will recognise outstanding journalism of any genre that has been written in the Irish language. Credit will be given to pieces which focus on student or university issues, or issues that have cultural significance surrounding the Irish language within the student sphere.
Submission Details: Two pieces in any genre, plus a supporting statement of up to 300 words
Scotland: Best Scottish Political Piece: This rewards accurate and stimulating writing on any aspect of Scottish political life. It could be from any discipline, ranging from a comment piece, interview, news piece or feature. It could focus on devolution, independence, the impact of Brexit on Scotland or just Scottish politics in general.
Submission Details: One piece and a supporting statement of 400 words.
Midlands: Best Investigation: This will reward an innovative or exceptional piece of investigative journalism, be it breaking a news story or exploring an under-reported issue. Merit will be given based on the thoroughness of research and the quality of write up. Credit will also be given to the exploration of issues particular to universities and students’ lives.
Submission Details: One investigative piece and a 300 word supporting statement explaining the investigation.
South: Best Collaboration: This award recognises the best collaborative effort with another branch of student media, society or other organisation to produce either a campaign or other original content. It can be on any topic, but must show that it goes above and beyond what a publication could achieve by itself.
Submission Details: A two page submission in any form, including multimedia if appropriate.
North: Best Empowerment: This award recognises authors who give a strong voice to people who are often voiceless. Credit will be given to those who explain not only how they got the person to talk, but also why the issue was important and why the issue required extra effort to get an otherwise marginalised or vulnerable person or group to speak.
Submission details: Three articles of original work from an individual journalist, with a 500 word supporting statement.
London: Best Campaign: This awards rewards a publication that has written and delivered excellent campaigns on issues that matter to their university and students.
Submission details: Two page submission in any form with 500 word supporting statement.