Wessex Scene A great piece from Wessex Scene about a technology failure at Southhampton’s university gym that could leave sporty students out of pocket, as membership […]
July is over and you know what that means – time for another newsletter about what we at the SPA have been up throughout the month! […]
I’m currently in that spot in life as a journalist where I am scrabbling around on the floor of my room of dreams desperately grabbing at […]
The Boar Warwick granted millions to improve healthcare in poor countries A fantastic news story by Cecily Morgan about the money that Warwick University has been granted […]
Wessex Scene https://www.wessexscene.co.uk/news/2017/07/20/coldplay-contributes-towards-universitys-groundbreaking-battle-against-cancer/ “The University of Southampton is refusing to disclose the amount donated at the band’s request, but have said that it is a “wonderful […]
Bath Impact Jonny Brighton, a student at the University of Bath, was on placement in the House of Lords at the time the speech was made, […]
The Cambridge Student The Cambridge Student reported on the NUS’ response to Conservative comments on tuition fees: “NUS Vice President of Higher Education, Amatey Doku, responded […]
Exepose A couple of political pieces from Exeter’s student newspaper: on the fallout from the UK General Election (read more here), and a piece by Jack Watts […]
Hi pals! Welcome to the first newsletter from the new team! And I know, I know.. June is (technically) over. Well, apart from here in Norwich […]